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Anirban Chakraborty

Video Editor | Motion Graphics Design | Television Commercial Advertisement | Film Making | Screenplay Writing



Welcome to my website! I am Anirban Chakraborty, a highly skilled and creative video editor with a passion for storytelling through visuals. With 7 years of experience in the industry, I have honed my craft and developed a deep understanding of the art of video editing. My expertise lies in various aspects of video editing, I meticulously review and select the best shots to create a cohesive and engaging story. I have an excellent command of professional editing software, allowing me to transform raw footage into polished masterpieces. I pay attention to detail, ensuring flawless timing, smooth. I utilize my artistic eye and technical skills to enhance the visual aesthetics of videos, giving them a distinct mood and atmosphere. I understand the importance of high-quality audio in videos. I have experience in cleaning up audio tracks, adding background music, and optimizing sound effects to create an immersive experience. I possess a strong understanding of motion graphics principles and can incorporate visual effects to elevate the impact of videos.

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